Friday, March 14, 2008

From Lynn Swoden in Nevada

We are friends of a friend of Kurt's named Keny. She took me to the website today to see him and read about his progress.My grandson was born this last year with a brain injury and upon birth suffered all the same things I've read about Kurt.

I understand the roller coaster feeling, and the emptiness when it seems as if prayers are unanswered. Yet, only to be brought back into that safe place when you see God's hand at work.I will share with you a scripture that brought us great comfort in this adventure with Baby James.

In Mark it talks about the man that brought his child to be healed, and Jesus asked if he believed. His reply was - oh yes I believe, but help me in my unbelief. When I begin to falter in my faith, or question God's ability, I remember and pray that very thing - help me in my unbelief. It gives me such freedom and removes the guilt that I carry when I begin to question!

We have had a prayer chain for Baby James that has gone world wide - from Kosikstan to Austria, the Phillipines to Iraq, Micronesia to Switzerland, China to Italy, and all of these United States. I will send this link on, and ask that Kurt be brought before God in their prayers.

Our hope is that God is glorified, Kurt is healed, and many are brought to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through the life of Kurt and your family. May God richly bless you, and grant you peace and hope beyond what you can even imagine. May His thoughts be your thoughts, may His strength continaully sustain you, and may you find rest in the comforting arms of your Savior Jesus Christ.

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