Saturday, April 12, 2008

I really never dreamed I could miss a person so much that it hurts

I'm not sure why I woke up so early this morning. But, I was glad to read the email from my friend Paula, who sent it to me at 1:39 A.M. What was she thinking????

We got a card from Dr. Koehn ("Cane"), the neurologist,and I just thought I would share what she wrote to us...She had been gone for the weekend with her FIVE kids when Kurt died.

"I was so sorry to return & learn of Kurtis' passing over the weekend. He was a beautiful boy. It was a pleasure to work withyou all. You are a wonderful family and Kurt was very fortunate to have been blessed by your love. May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand, comfort you and give you His everlasting peace until you meet again one day."

I was so touched by the fact that she took the time to send a card and then to find such a nice note in itwas extra nice.

I don't know if all of you knew that the hospital sent us a plaster cast of Kurt's hand. The initial shock of opening itand finding it rather creepy has finally worn off. It is kind of nice to have. But yesterday, a friend sent us some pictures of Kurt from last summer at Gitche. In one of them, she is trying to get him to smile. He is standing out the back of a big van and you mostly see his face from the nose up, but his hands are reaching over the back of the seatso they are in the forefront of the picture.

When I looked at it, all I could think of was the plaster hand we had gotten, then thought of holding his hand in the hospital and I just broke down and cried. I just miss him so much. I really never dreamed I could miss a person so much that it hurts. I had good moments yesterday too. But that was a tough one.

Well, I'm off to get my second cup of coffee. Talk to you later.
Love, anna


Anonymous said...

I know how it feels anna, but it will get better and just remember how God is carrying you. and not only that He holds your hand just in the same way you held Kurts at the hospital.

I Love You all!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Anna..I'm still praying and i continuously talk to Kurt and god..He was everything a person should be and more..I admire your strength, and pray that i can have that too..
Much love, and Still praying!


Anonymous said...

I am still praying for you, Anna...

Anonymous said...

Anna I am constantly checking the blog to catch a glimpse of how you are. You are always in my thoughts and prayers so very often; hoping soon you will be able to visit with me via email or phone. That plaster imprint is a treasured keepsake as it will always be a reminder of how you led and guided Kurt throughout his life.

I love you.


Anonymous said...

hello auntie anna,
today is 8 years since i lost one of my good friends, ashley. we were 13. to lose a close friend at 13 is a traumatic thing, and here i am 8 years later still remembering all the details of those days.

It was hard for me to see kurt's friends and remember exactly how i felt in the same position, and to know the confusing feelings and emotions they have and will have. i still can't see ashley's mom without wanting to cry, and i'm sure they will have those feelings too.

remember kurt will never be forgotten, especially not by his classmates. i'm not sure why i wanted to share that with you, but on the anniversary of ashley's death a lot of feelings come to mind. i know for me, faith is pretty much what got me through. thank God all of those kids have a role model like you. i think about you guys all the time and can't wait to see you again soon...
with love,

pakosta said...

Dear Anna,

thinking of you today, and hoping that your pain of missing your son will soon hurt less.....your words that you wrote always stay with me and your son will never be forgotten.
God bless you each and every day.
tara pakosta

Anonymous said...

HI Anna & Jerry,
This is trevor, just thought i would write you a note to say thanks for coming to watch me play basketball. It was nice to see you there. I've been missing Kurt to but keep saying to myself it's see ya later not good bye.
I was wondering if i could get a picture or pictures of Kurt to put in my room and my Bible? When ever you get a chance if your up to it.
We started a can drive for the Byykkonen family to help with medical costs. So far were off to a good start!
OK, take your right hand and put it on your left shoulder and then take your left hand and put it on your right shoulder. In case you didn't know that was a hug from me.
Love and Prayers
Trevor Ongie

Unknown said...

Oh how i miss him too. It seems like there is always an empty seat in my classroom, on the couch at the Heritage House, and a BIG absence at track practice. I think how encouraging he was and how he joked around and brought levity to some situations. I just hope that maybe through the way he lived his life, his peers would eat up every opportunity that he did. There are times when i just want to shake some of them and tell them to sieze every moment. To push and challenge themselves until they have gotten all they can out of this life. I think of him and your family often.
All God's blessings,

Anonymous said...

anna i know how it feels it is very hard


Anonymous said...

hey anna it's eric and my mom i read the blogs you should make a book about it

AdamStan said...

"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."

--John Churton Collins

Your family has displayed a faith in God that's been overpowering and uplifting for countless people.

Through the aftershocks of such a loss, I hope you can take strength in knowing that the people who care so much about you want to see your family heal as thoroughly as possible.

Kurt has made it known to me some way or another that he's being taken care of very well by our Lord. I hope he's made it known to you as well!

God bless,
Adam Niemi

Anonymous said...


I have found my God through all of this. Before and during Kurts passing, I did not belive. Thanks to you and the amazing faith Kurt had, I love my God for each and every moment in my life. I will live my life for my God, For our God.
Thankyou for helping me without even knowning it Anna.

Your are an amazing woman

Anonymous said...

I think about you and the family every day. I always want to say something and never can find the right words. I pray for you guys everyday and always take a peek at the blog to see how you're doing.

God Bless and I love you.
